Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cartea Recordurilor a considerat ca miile de metri patrati desenati cu creta de copii nu indeplinesc standardele pentru certificarea unui record

Guinness Book considered that the thousands of squares of pavement drawn by kids from Cluj didn’t meet the standards of a World Record

De 1 Iunie 2008, Primaria Municipiului Cluj-Napoca si Fundatia Romana pentru Copii, Comunitate si Familie au organizat pentru toti copiii din Cluj evenimentul JOOnior Zambet, care si-a propus intrarea in Guinness Book cu cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume. Desi desenul a depasit considerabil ca suprafata precedentul record, Guinness Book a decis ca nu poate fi certificat.

Comparand calitatea desenului dumneavoastra cu cea a desenului care detine acum recordul Guinness, desi realizarea dumneavoastra este impresionanta, avem impresia ca desenul dumneavoastra nu este la acelasi standard cu recordul prezent si cu cel precedent. Pentru corectitudinea demersului, nu putem accepta desenul dumneavoastra ca un record Guinness. (Kristian Teufel, Records Management Team)

Evenimentul care a marcat Ziua internationala a copilului a reunit pe viitoarea sosea de centura a orasului peste 1.500 de copii si 150 de voluntari. Elevii de la Liceul de Arte „Romulus Ladea” au realizat conceptul desenului, care a luat forma unui tren cu locomotiva si 62 de vagoane. Tema desenului a fost Zambet de Copil.

JOOnior Zambet a fost un eveniment de strangere de fonduri.

Din totalul de aproximativ 28.000 lei stransi pentru eveniment, 21.000 lei vor fi folositi in aceasta toamna de catre FRCCF pentru a ajuta copiii din familii defavorizate sa nu abandoneze scoala.

Suportul sponsorilor si al partenerilor media ai evenimentului a fost folosit atat pentru organizarea evenimentului, cat si pentru sprijinirea copiilor provenind din familii cu venituri foarte mici din Cluj. Fundatia Vodafone, Emerson si Unimet CUG au dorit sa sustina aceasta cauza prin sponsorizarea in bani a JOOnior Zambet, iar Logo Design, Rosal Grup si RATUC au sprijinit logistic evenimentul.

Informatii suplimentare:
Camelia Mates, Director Imagine FRCCF, 0729-119139, camelia@frccf.org.ro
Darius Pintilie, Director Directia Relatii Comunitare si Turism, Primaria Municipiului Cluj-Napoca

On June 1st 2008, Cluj-Napoca City Hall and the Romanian Foundation for Children, Community and Family organized JOOnior Smile for all the kids from Cluj. One of the goals of the event was to establish a new world record for the biggest chalk drawing. Even if the drawing was bigger than the one which is already in Guinness Book, the Guinness Book representatives decided that our drawing cannot be certified.

„Having compared the quality of your painting with that of the current record chalk painting and although yours an impressive acheivement, we feel that your drawing is not to the same standard which the current and previous record holders have displayed. In the interest of fairness we are therefore unable to accept your painting as a Guinness World Record”. (Kristian Teufel, Records Management Team)

The event, which celebrated the International Children’s Day, brought together more than 1,500 children and 150 volunteers on the newest beltway of the town. The students of “Romul Ladea” Arts High School created the drawing concept which took the shape of a train with 62 cars. The subject of the drawing was Child Smile.

JOOnior Smile was a fundraising event
From the 28,000 lei (~7,900 EUR) raised for this event, this automn FRCCF will use 21,000 lei (~6,000 EUR)to support the kids from low income families from Cluj not to drop out school.

The support provided by the event sponsors and media partners was used to organise the event as well as to support the children from low income families in Cluj. Vodafone Fundation, Emerson and Unimet CUG wished to support this cause by giving money to JOOnior Smile, meanwhile Logo Design, Rosal Grup and RATUC offered logistic support.

For more information:
Camelia Mates, Image Director FRCCF, 0729-119139, camelia@frccf.org.ro
Darius Pintilie, Director of the Department of Community Relations and Tourism, Cluj-Napoca City Hall

Friday, June 6, 2008

Cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume / The biggest pavement drawing in the world

Gasiti aici cateva din sutele de poze facute la JOOnior Zambet. Puteti vedea mai multe poze de la eveniment urmand linkul: http://picasaweb.google.com/frccfmail

Here are some of the hundreds of pictures made at JOOnior Smile. You can check other pictures from the event by following this link: http://picasaweb.google.com/frccfmail

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume! / The biggest pavement drawing in the world!

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Am batut recordul! / We broke the world record!

1 iunie, ora 15:00, cei 2.000 de copii si 150 de voluntari prezenti la JOOnior Smile au batut recordul mondial la desene pe asfalt, depasind limita de 5.612 mp. Pana la sfarsitul zilei au fost acoperiti aproape 7.000 de mp!!!

Copiii au folosit, pentru cel mai lung tren de zambete de copil, 10.000 de cutii de creta colorata si au consumat peste 1.500 de litri de apa... si au reusit sa deseneze cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume! Felicitari tuturor!!!

Multumim elevilor de la Liceul de Arte "Romul Ladea" care au fost tot timpul alaturi de cei 2.000 de copii. Multumim si presei care a indurat caldura de afara si a stat alaturi de copii si de JOOnior Smile!

Am reusit!!!!!

On June 1st, at 15:00 hours, 2,000 children and 150 volunteers present at JOOnior Smile broke the world record with the largest chalk pavement art, going beyond the previous record of 5,612 m2. By the end of the day, almost 7,000 m2 were covered in chalk!!!

To do the longest child smiles train, the children used 10,000 boxes of coloured chalk and drank over 1,500 litters of water ... and they managed to make the largest chalk pavement drawing in the world! Congratulations to all of you!!!

We would like to thank the students from "Romul Ladea" Arts High School for being with these 2,000 children all day long, as well as the media for putting up with the heat and staying close to the children and JOOnior Smile!

We’ve made it!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Trasarea contururilor celui mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume / Marking the outlines of the biggest pavement drawing in the world

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JOOnior Zambet, gata sa inceapa! / JOOnior Smile, ready to start!

In mai putin de 24 de ore, vom da startul la cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume! JOOnior Zambet e gata sa inceapa.

Azi (sambata) a fost curatata soseaua ocolitoare ce va fi folosita pentru desenul gigant, iar topografii au marcat aria care trebuie acoperita de copii. De asemenea, au fost montate corturile si dozatoarele de apa.

Si mai important: elevii de la Liceul de Arte "Romul Ladea" au trasat primele contururi ale celor 60 de vagoane de zambete de copil.

Maine e ziua cea mare! Ne vedem acolo, la JOOnior Zambet!

In less than 24 hours, we are going to start the biggest pavement drawing in the world! JOOnior Smile is ready to begin!

Today (Saturday) the road used for the event was cleaned up, and the topometry experts marked the limits of the area that will be covered by the kids. The tents were put up, and water dispensers were brought here.

And more important: the students from "Romul Ladea" Arts High School marked the outlines for the 60 cars train that will be filled with kids smiles.

Tomorrow is the big day! See you all there, at JOOnior Smile!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blogul JOOnior Zambet a fost vizitat de peste 1.000 de ori, din toate colturile lumii! / JOOnior Smile blog has had over 1,000 visits!

Conform Google Analytics, in doar 10 zile de la lansare, http://jooniorzambet.blogspot.com a fost vizitat de 1,098 de ori! Noutatile despre JOOnior Zambet au fost citite de 834 vizitatori unici din 19 tari (cifre valabile pentru 29 mai, ora 15:00).

Cum e normal, cele mai multe vizite au fost facute de oameni din Romania, din 37 de orase. Au citit despre JOOnior Zambet insa si persoane din SUA, Marea Britanie, Franta, Germania, Elvetia, Olanda, Spania, Italia, Australia, Canada, Ungaria, Moldova, Danemarca, Austria, Belgia, Luxemburg, Bulgaria si Grecia.

Multumim tuturor!

According to Google Analytics, in only 10 days after its launch, http://jooniorzambet.blogspot.com was visited 1,098 times! The JOOnior Smile news was read by 834 unique visitors from 19 countries (figures taken on May 29, 15:00 hours).

As expected, most views were made by Romanians, from 37 towns. People from the US, the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Australia, Canada, Hungary, Moldova, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Luxemburg, Bulgaria and Greece also read about JOOnior Smile.

Thank you all!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Atata creta colorata n-am vazut in viata mea!" / "I have never seen so much coloured chalk in my life!"

Eveniment mare-mare! Azi, la sediul FRCCF au ajuns si ultimele mii de cutii de creta colorata, pentru cel mai lung tren de zambete de copil!

Dupa ce zilele trecute am primit 37 de cutii cu mii de bucati de creta colorata, azi au sosit alte 8.000 de cutii. Cu atata creta in jur, replica zilei la sediul fundatiei a fost: "Atata creta colorata n-am vazut in viata mea!". Iar duminica, 1 iunie, vom avea sansa sa vedem ceva incredibil: cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume!

Copii, abia asteptam sa va vedem pe toti la JOOnior Zambet! Si inca o veste pentru voi: fiecare participant va primi inghetata si apa, ca sa isi intareasca fortele pentru desenat!

Big event! Today, the last thousands of boxes with coloured chalk have arrived at FRCCF’s main office for the longest train carrying children’s smiles!

In the past days we received 37 boxes with thousands of coloured chalk pieces and today other 8,000 boxes have arrived. With all that chalk around, today’s line at FRCCF has been: "I have never seen so much coloured chalk in my life!". On Sunday, June 1st, we will have the chance to see something incredible: the biggest pavement drawing in the world!

Children, we are looking forward to seeing all of you at JOOnior Smile! We have another piece of good news for you: each participant will get ice cream and water to be strong enough for drawing!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Autobuzele RATUC te duc gratuit la JOOnior Zambet! / RATUC Takes You to JOOnior Smile for Free!

Copiii care vor sa ajunga la JOOnior Zambet pot sa foloseasca autobuzele RATUC, pregatite special pentru acest eveniment. Acestea vor asigura transportul gratuit la si de la eveniment.

Autobuzele vor pleca duminica dimineata, din fata cinematografului Republica, la ora 9:30, 10:00 si 10:30. Apoi, autobuzele de intoarcere vor fi intre orele 15:00 si 16:00, de la locul evenimentului (soseaua ocolitoare aflata in prelungirea Bulevardului Muncii). Dupa ora 13:00, RATUC pune la dispozitie un autobuz de urgenta care poate sa ii aduca inapoi in oras pe copiii care vor avea nevoie sa se intoarca mai repede de la JOOnior Zambet.

O alta veste buna: in 1 iunie, copiii care vor sa vina la JOOnior Zambet, alaturi de insotitorii lor, pot folosi gratuit toate mijloacele de transport RATUC care ii aduc la locul evenimentului.

The children who want to go to JOOnior Smile can take RATUC buses available for this event. They will provide free transportation to and from the event.

The buses will leave on Sunday morning from Republica Cinema at 9:30, 10:00 and 10:30 and they will come back to town from the event venue (the beltway located at the end of Muncii Blvd.) between 15:00 and 16:00 hours. After 13:00 o’clock, RATUC will put at our disposal an “emergency” bus which will bring back to town all the children who may need to leave JOOnior Smile before the end of the event.

Another piece of good news: on June 1st, the children who want to come to JOOnior Smile and the adults accompanying them will be able to use all the RATUC means of transportation, that will get them at the event, for free.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Zeci de mii de bucati de creta colorata ii asteapta pe copii! / Thousands of Coloured Chalk Pieces for Children!

Copii fiti pe faza! A sosit creta! In mai putin de o saptamana va aseptam si pe voi sa desenam cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume! Cel mai lung tren cu zambetele voastre!

FRCCF a primit azi o parte din creta colorata pentru JOOnior Zambet. 37 de cutii cu mii de bucati de creta colorata au ajuns azi la sediul central. Miercuri cel tarziu, alte 8.000 de cutii vor ajunge tot aici.

Nu uitati, duminica, 1 iunie, trebuie sa acoperim 7.000 de metri patrati de asfalt! Haideti cu totii!

Children start to get ready! The chalk has arrived! In less than a week, we will be waiting for you too to make the biggest pavement drawing in the world: the longest train carrying your smiles!

Today, FRCCF has received some of the coloured chalk that we need for JOOnior Smile. 37 boxes with thousands of pieces of coloured chalk has got to our main office today. On Wednesday the latest, other 8,000 boxes will get there.

Don’t forget, on Sunday, June 1st, we will have to draw up 7, 000 square metres of pavement! Join us!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Afisul JOOnior Zambet / JOOnior Smile Poster

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1.557 de copii s-au inscris la JOOnior Zambet cu scoala lor! Hai si tu! / 1,557 Children Signed Up for JOOnior Smile with Their School! Join Us!

Peste 1.500 de copii, de la mai multe scoli si gradinite din Cluj, vor participa la JOOnior Zambet. Ei au promis ca vor fi acolo, duminica, 1 iunie, sa dea o mana de ajutor la realizarea celui mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume! Hai si tu! Intreaba-ti invatatorii sau profesorii despre eveniment si ajuta-i sa te inscrie pe tine si pe colegii tai la JOOnior Zambet!

Scolile si gradinitele fruntase la participare sunt:

Locul intai: Scoala "Emil Isac" - 166 de copii
Locul al doilea: Liceul cu Program Sportiv - 107 copii
Locul al treilea: Liceul Teoretic "Nicolae Balcescu" - 100 de copii

Inscrierea la
JOOnior Zambet nu este obligatorie! Poti veni acolo si fara sa te inscrii! Insa vrem doar sa stim ca putem conta pe tine si pe scoala ta! Profesorii sau invatatorii vostri vor suna la FRCCF, la 0264-594893. Apoi urmareste pe blog daca scoala ta e printre primele, daca nu, raspandeste vestea si convinge mai multi colegi sa vina la JOOnior Zambet!

Over 1,500 children from several Cluj schools and kindergartens will take part in JOOnior Smile. They have promised to be there on Sunday, June 1st, to help out with the biggest pavement drawing in the world! Join us! Ask your teachers about the event and help them sign you and your colleagues up for JOOnior Smile!

The leading schools and kindergartens are:

First place: "Emil Isac" School - 166 children
Second place: Sports High School - 107 children
Third place: "Nicolae Balcescu" High School - 100 children

You don’t necessarily have to sign up to be able to take part in JOOnior Smile! You can come even if you haven’t signed up! Still, we need to know that we can count on you and your school! Your teachers can call FRCCF at 0264-594893. You can find out on our blog if your school is among the top ones and, if it isn’t, spread the news and convince more of your colleagues to come to JOOnior Smile!

JOOnior Zambet are tot sprijinul Primariei Cluj-Napoca! / JOOnior Smile Has Full Support of Cluj-Napoca Mayor’s Office!

Primaria Municipiului Cluj-Napoca a ales ca si de aceasta data sa se implice in realizarea celui mai important eveniment de 1 iunie din oras, dupa ce in anii trecuti a sprijinit JOOnior Park - evenimentul traditional al FRCCF, organizat de Ziua Copilului.

"Suntem la al treilea mare eveniment de 1 iunie organizat impreuna cu FRCCF, iar
JOOnior Zambet este cel mai mare proiect comun. Ideea ne-a venit inca de anul trecut cand lucram la JOOnior Park si pregateam diverse activitati, ca desenele pe asfalt. Ne bucuram enorm de mult ca putem pune in practica ideea de atunci si punem la dispozitie toata logistica necesara si ne asiguram ca FRCCF are acces la aceasta, pentru ca impreuna sa ducem copiii clujeni in Cartea Recordurilor, chiar de ziua lor! Ii asteptam pe toti, duminica, 1 iunie, pe soseaua de centura, in prelungirea Bulevardului Muncii, sa facem impreuna cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume!" (Darius Pintilie, Inspector de Specialitate, Primaria Municipiului Cluj-Napoca)


Cluj-Napoca Mayor’s Office has decided to get involved once again in organizing the most important June 1st event in town, after in the past years it supported JOOnior Park – the traditional FRCCF event held on Children’s Day.

"This is the third June 1st big event that we organize with FRCCF, and JOOnior Smile is our most significant joint project. The idea came to us for the first time last year when we were working on JOOnior Park and planning various activities for children, such as pavement drawing. We are extremely happy that we can now put that idea into practice and we will provide all the needed logistics to be accessed by FRCCF for the event in our attempt to make the children from Cluj enter the Guinness Book of Records right on their celebration day! We will be waiting for all of them on Sunday, June 1st, on the beltway located at the end of Muncii Blvd., to help us make the biggest pavement drawing in the world!" (Darius Pintilie, Special Inspector, Cluj-Napoca Mayor’s Office)

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

JOOnior Zambet e peste tot! / JOOnior Smile Is Everywhere!

Cititi aici cateva articole aparute azi in presa si nu numai, despre JOOnior Zambet: / Read a few articles about JOOnior Smile from today’s newspapers and not only:

Copii clujeni vor sa intre in Cartea Recordurilor cu cel mai mare desen pe asfalt
Realitatea.net prezinta JOOnior Zambet si blogul evenimentului.

Se pregatesc sa faca cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume la Cluj-Napoca
Cluj online prezinta JOOnior Zambet si blogul evenimentului.

Copiii clujeni vor sa faca cel mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume
pe www.ziare.com

Blog clujean cu zimbet de copil
Cititi in Monitorul de Cluj despre acest blog si despre JOOnior Zambet si pe www.time4news.ro.

Desene animate de zambete
www.dob.ro considera JOOnior Zambet un eveniment "smart"

Desene pe asfalt de Cartea Recordurilor!

pe www.parinticlujeni.ro

Copiii clujeni vor sa intre in Cartea Recordurilor cu un zambet de 7.000 de metri patrati
pe www.frontnews.ro

Copiii clujeni vor sa intre in Cartea Recordurilor cu cel mai mare desen pe asfalt
pe www.ziare.ro

A Rekordok könyvébe akarnak jutni a kolozsvári gyerekek

Sapte kilometri de desene pe asfalt
Precizare: JOOnior Zambet isi propune sa acopere 7.000 de metri patrati de asfalt (asa cum puteti citi in acest articol, dar nu in titlul lui). La asa record, lumea se poate pierde in cifre.

Copiii clujeni vor sa intre in Cartea Recordurilor cu cel mai mare desen pe asfalt
pe www.news-blog.ro

Copiii clujeni vor sa intre in Cartea Recordurilor cu cel mai mare desen pe asfalt
pe www.stirionline.net

Multumim tuturor! / Thank you all!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vagoane de zambete de copil! / Train Cars Full of Children’s Smiles!

JOOnior Zambet este gata sa inceapa! Elevii de la Liceul de Arte "Romulus Ladea" au pregatit conceptul ce va fi folosit pentru realizarea celui mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume.

Pentru ca desenul va fi realizat pe o suprafata de 1.200m/6m, elevii coordonati si mobilizati de Anamaria Astilean, au pregatit un tren urias. Acesta va avea 60 de vagoane pline cu zambete de copil!

Click aici pentru a vedea cateva poze cu desenul pregatit de elevi.

Nu uitati,
JOOnior Zambet are loc in 1 iunie, pe noua sosea de centura a orasului, aflata in continuarea Bulevardului Muncii. JOOnior Zambet isi propune stabilirea unui nou record mondial la desene pe asfalt si inscrierea acestuia in Cartea Recordurilor .

JOOnior Smile
is ready to begin! The students of "Romulus Ladea" Arts High School have come up with the concept for the biggest pavement drawing in the world.

The drawing will be made on a 1,200m/6m area and the students, coordinated and mobilized by Anamaria Astilean, came up with the idea of a giant train, made of 60 cars full of children’s smiles!

Click here to see a few pictures of the drawing model made by the students.

Don’t forget: JOOnior Smile will take place on June 1st on the newest beltway of the town located at the end of Muncii Blvd. JOOnior Smile aims at setting a new pavement drawing record and entering the Guinness Book of Records.

JOOnior Zambet - Cel mai lung tren cu zambete de copil! / JOOnior Smile – The Longest Train Carrying Children’s Smiles!

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Desene pe asfalt pentru Cartea Recordurilor! / Pavement Drawing for Guinness World Records!

JOOnior Zambet - 1 iunie 2008 / JOOnior Smile - June 1st

Copiii clujeni vor ajunge in Cartea Recordurilor! Fundatia Romana pentru Copii, Comunitate si Familie impreuna cu Primaria Muncipiului Cluj-Napoca organizeaza pentru ei, de 1 iunie, JOOnior Zambet. Aici copiii vor putea ajuta la realizarea celui mai mare desen pe asfalt de pe glob!

JOOnior Zambet isi propune stabilirea unui nou record mondial la desene pe asfalt si inscrierea acestuia in Cartea Recordurilor . "In prezent, recordul mondial este detinut de un desen care a acoperit 5.612 mp de asfalt. De 1 iunie, ne propunem sa acoperim cel putin 7.000 de mp de asfalt cu ajutorul a aproximativ 3 . 000 de copii din Cluj" (Camelia Mates, Director Imagine, FRCCF).

Elevii de la Liceul de Arte "Romul Ladea" se vor ocupa de conceptul desenului ce trebuie sa fie unitar, de realizarea contururilor si de coordonarea copiilor. Tema desenului este Zambet de Copil (grupul de tineri artisti va crea un desen care sa vorbeasca despre ceea ce ii face pe cei mici sa zambeasca, despre ceea ce ii face sa fie fericiti). Desenul va fi realizat pe noua sosea de centura a orasului.

Pe parcursul intregii zile de 1 iunie, martorii vor asista la crearea desenului urias , iar un topometrist autorizat va masura suprafata desenata. Aceste persoane vor da declaratii pentru Cartea Recordurilor, care vor fi trimise impreuna cu documentatia amanuntita la Londra, unde va fi certificat recordul.

Inspectoratul scolar Judetean Cluj va ajuta la popularizarea evenimentului in scolile din oras, pentru a implica toti copiii care vor sa participe la realizarea acestui desen urias si care vor sa sprijine la randul lor alti copii care au nevoie sa le fim alaturi.

JOOnior Zambet este un eveniment de strangere de fonduri .

Suportul sponsorilor si al partenerilor media ai evenimentului este folosit atat pentru organizarea evenimentului, cat si pentru sprijinirea copiilor provenind din familii cu venituri foarte mici din Cluj, Oradea si Satu Mare. Fondurile stranse vor fi folosite pentru ca acei copii care frecventeaza centrele comunitare FRCCF sa creasca intr-un mediu familial protector, sa beneficieze de educatie si de serviciile medicale de care au nevoie.

The children from Cluj will enter the Guinness Book of Records! On June 1st, the Romanian Foundation for Children, Community and Family and Cluj-Napoca Mayor’s Office will organise JOOnior Smile for them. Each child will bring his/her contribution to the biggest pavement drawing in the world!

JOOnior Smile aims at setting a new world pavement drawing record and writing it in the Guinness Book of Records. “Currently, the world pavement drawing record is of 5,612 sqm. On June 1st, we are planning to draw up at least 7,000 sqm of pavement with the help of approximately 3,000 children from Cluj” (Camelia Mates, Fundraising and PR Manager, FRCCF).

The students of Romul Ladea Arts High School and those from the Academy of Visual Arts will be in charge of coming up with a concept for the drawing – which has to be homogenous –, of marking the drawing outlines and coordinating the children. The subject of the drawing is Child Smile (the group of young artists will make a drawing that can illustrate what makes children smile and happy). The drawing will be made on the newest beltway of the town.

Throughout the whole June 1st day, there will be witnesses to the making of this giant drawing, and a licensed topometry expert will measure the drawn up surface. These people will give statements to Guinness World Records, which will be sent with detailed documentation to London for record authentication.

Cluj County School Inspectorate advertises the event in all the schools from town in order to involve all the children who want to make this giant drawing and to support children in need.

JOOnior Smile is a fundraising event.

The support provided by the event sponsors and media partners will be used to organise the event as well as to support the children from low income families in Cluj, Oradea and Satu Mare. The funds raised will go to the children attending the FRCCF community centres to provide a safe family environment to all of them and the education and healthcare they need.