Sunday, May 18, 2008

Desene pe asfalt pentru Cartea Recordurilor! / Pavement Drawing for Guinness World Records!

JOOnior Zambet - 1 iunie 2008 / JOOnior Smile - June 1st

Copiii clujeni vor ajunge in Cartea Recordurilor! Fundatia Romana pentru Copii, Comunitate si Familie impreuna cu Primaria Muncipiului Cluj-Napoca organizeaza pentru ei, de 1 iunie, JOOnior Zambet. Aici copiii vor putea ajuta la realizarea celui mai mare desen pe asfalt de pe glob!

JOOnior Zambet isi propune stabilirea unui nou record mondial la desene pe asfalt si inscrierea acestuia in Cartea Recordurilor . "In prezent, recordul mondial este detinut de un desen care a acoperit 5.612 mp de asfalt. De 1 iunie, ne propunem sa acoperim cel putin 7.000 de mp de asfalt cu ajutorul a aproximativ 3 . 000 de copii din Cluj" (Camelia Mates, Director Imagine, FRCCF).

Elevii de la Liceul de Arte "Romul Ladea" se vor ocupa de conceptul desenului ce trebuie sa fie unitar, de realizarea contururilor si de coordonarea copiilor. Tema desenului este Zambet de Copil (grupul de tineri artisti va crea un desen care sa vorbeasca despre ceea ce ii face pe cei mici sa zambeasca, despre ceea ce ii face sa fie fericiti). Desenul va fi realizat pe noua sosea de centura a orasului.

Pe parcursul intregii zile de 1 iunie, martorii vor asista la crearea desenului urias , iar un topometrist autorizat va masura suprafata desenata. Aceste persoane vor da declaratii pentru Cartea Recordurilor, care vor fi trimise impreuna cu documentatia amanuntita la Londra, unde va fi certificat recordul.

Inspectoratul scolar Judetean Cluj va ajuta la popularizarea evenimentului in scolile din oras, pentru a implica toti copiii care vor sa participe la realizarea acestui desen urias si care vor sa sprijine la randul lor alti copii care au nevoie sa le fim alaturi.

JOOnior Zambet este un eveniment de strangere de fonduri .

Suportul sponsorilor si al partenerilor media ai evenimentului este folosit atat pentru organizarea evenimentului, cat si pentru sprijinirea copiilor provenind din familii cu venituri foarte mici din Cluj, Oradea si Satu Mare. Fondurile stranse vor fi folosite pentru ca acei copii care frecventeaza centrele comunitare FRCCF sa creasca intr-un mediu familial protector, sa beneficieze de educatie si de serviciile medicale de care au nevoie.

The children from Cluj will enter the Guinness Book of Records! On June 1st, the Romanian Foundation for Children, Community and Family and Cluj-Napoca Mayor’s Office will organise JOOnior Smile for them. Each child will bring his/her contribution to the biggest pavement drawing in the world!

JOOnior Smile aims at setting a new world pavement drawing record and writing it in the Guinness Book of Records. “Currently, the world pavement drawing record is of 5,612 sqm. On June 1st, we are planning to draw up at least 7,000 sqm of pavement with the help of approximately 3,000 children from Cluj” (Camelia Mates, Fundraising and PR Manager, FRCCF).

The students of Romul Ladea Arts High School and those from the Academy of Visual Arts will be in charge of coming up with a concept for the drawing – which has to be homogenous –, of marking the drawing outlines and coordinating the children. The subject of the drawing is Child Smile (the group of young artists will make a drawing that can illustrate what makes children smile and happy). The drawing will be made on the newest beltway of the town.

Throughout the whole June 1st day, there will be witnesses to the making of this giant drawing, and a licensed topometry expert will measure the drawn up surface. These people will give statements to Guinness World Records, which will be sent with detailed documentation to London for record authentication.

Cluj County School Inspectorate advertises the event in all the schools from town in order to involve all the children who want to make this giant drawing and to support children in need.

JOOnior Smile is a fundraising event.

The support provided by the event sponsors and media partners will be used to organise the event as well as to support the children from low income families in Cluj, Oradea and Satu Mare. The funds raised will go to the children attending the FRCCF community centres to provide a safe family environment to all of them and the education and healthcare they need.

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