Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Autobuzele RATUC te duc gratuit la JOOnior Zambet! / RATUC Takes You to JOOnior Smile for Free!

Copiii care vor sa ajunga la JOOnior Zambet pot sa foloseasca autobuzele RATUC, pregatite special pentru acest eveniment. Acestea vor asigura transportul gratuit la si de la eveniment.

Autobuzele vor pleca duminica dimineata, din fata cinematografului Republica, la ora 9:30, 10:00 si 10:30. Apoi, autobuzele de intoarcere vor fi intre orele 15:00 si 16:00, de la locul evenimentului (soseaua ocolitoare aflata in prelungirea Bulevardului Muncii). Dupa ora 13:00, RATUC pune la dispozitie un autobuz de urgenta care poate sa ii aduca inapoi in oras pe copiii care vor avea nevoie sa se intoarca mai repede de la JOOnior Zambet.

O alta veste buna: in 1 iunie, copiii care vor sa vina la JOOnior Zambet, alaturi de insotitorii lor, pot folosi gratuit toate mijloacele de transport RATUC care ii aduc la locul evenimentului.

The children who want to go to JOOnior Smile can take RATUC buses available for this event. They will provide free transportation to and from the event.

The buses will leave on Sunday morning from Republica Cinema at 9:30, 10:00 and 10:30 and they will come back to town from the event venue (the beltway located at the end of Muncii Blvd.) between 15:00 and 16:00 hours. After 13:00 o’clock, RATUC will put at our disposal an “emergency” bus which will bring back to town all the children who may need to leave JOOnior Smile before the end of the event.

Another piece of good news: on June 1st, the children who want to come to JOOnior Smile and the adults accompanying them will be able to use all the RATUC means of transportation, that will get them at the event, for free.

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