Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vagoane de zambete de copil! / Train Cars Full of Children’s Smiles!

JOOnior Zambet este gata sa inceapa! Elevii de la Liceul de Arte "Romulus Ladea" au pregatit conceptul ce va fi folosit pentru realizarea celui mai mare desen pe asfalt din lume.

Pentru ca desenul va fi realizat pe o suprafata de 1.200m/6m, elevii coordonati si mobilizati de Anamaria Astilean, au pregatit un tren urias. Acesta va avea 60 de vagoane pline cu zambete de copil!

Click aici pentru a vedea cateva poze cu desenul pregatit de elevi.

Nu uitati,
JOOnior Zambet are loc in 1 iunie, pe noua sosea de centura a orasului, aflata in continuarea Bulevardului Muncii. JOOnior Zambet isi propune stabilirea unui nou record mondial la desene pe asfalt si inscrierea acestuia in Cartea Recordurilor .

JOOnior Smile
is ready to begin! The students of "Romulus Ladea" Arts High School have come up with the concept for the biggest pavement drawing in the world.

The drawing will be made on a 1,200m/6m area and the students, coordinated and mobilized by Anamaria Astilean, came up with the idea of a giant train, made of 60 cars full of children’s smiles!

Click here to see a few pictures of the drawing model made by the students.

Don’t forget: JOOnior Smile will take place on June 1st on the newest beltway of the town located at the end of Muncii Blvd. JOOnior Smile aims at setting a new pavement drawing record and entering the Guinness Book of Records.

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